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Nathan Hunter began making furniture in his father's shop as a child, where he was influenced by an extended family of professional artists. He moved on to pursue fifteen years of intensive professional training as a classical pianist. At university, Nathan was given the opportunity by his teachers to expand on his background in visual arts, where he found a way to combine his diverse influences in 3-dimensional, functional art.

I have always found it impossible to isolate one art from another. Functional art is a form that satisfies my need to combine the visual line, sometimes lyrical, sometimes severe, with my musical thoughts. The final test of a piece for me is both its practicality as a useful object and its aesthetic desirability. Do I want this piece in my home? Will my clients want it in theirs? This is the balance that I find so rewarding to create — between lyricism and poise — visual interest and function.

Nathan lives with his wife and son. He performs his work in his studio in Bloomington, Indiana. Nathan also works with local metalsmiths and other artists to produce his mixed-media designs.