
The process, from early thoughts to the finished
product was smooth, interesting, and easy for me.  It was
fascinating to be in touch with him during the building of my piece
and to feel a personal connection with the various stages
of construction. 

— Sandra Kenney


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Living with handmade studio furniture by Nathan Hunter is living with a piece of functional art that reflects the dynamic beauty of nature. He reacts to the material sculpturally, responding attentively to the grain and movement embedded in each piece of wood as a record of seasons, climate, drought and fire.

When created properly and responsibly, a fine, functional art piece will extend the life of the wood as it continues to change with time. It breathes and expands, becomes a part of your space and daily life. Each piece is designed to last at least as long as a tree takes to grow – in many cases well over a hundred years.

Every time we use a tree, we have a responsibility to renew and care for the forest. We must harvest carefully and replenish fully in order to continue our symbiotic and nurturing relationship with the environment. To this end, Nathan Hunter offers wood certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, and is committed to converting exclusively to certified lumber in the near future. Nathan also prefers to use finishes derived from natural and renewable sources .